here is kendeigh kettleman. -- here is ken giving a talk on northeast asia and the head of the foreign affairs committee in tokyo after my speech got up -- a wonderful japanese man -- after my speech he got up and he said, ambassador edelman, for your service to this free world and for your remarks today, you deserve much clap. [laughter] i told him, it was all right. of all the things the world, much -- of all the things in the world i wanted, much clout is not one of them. [laughter] i always think of the first commencement address that ronald reagan gave as president of the united states and it was at the eureka college. he was there a few months after he was shot and reagan came out and he thanked the president and the faculty for giving him an honorary degree, and then he said, it is wonderful to get an honorary degree from eureka college. to tell you the truth, i always thought the first grade i got was honorary as well. [laughter] and then he said, just, -- you know, i did not get great great year, but just the other