we talk to michael barbaro of the new york times, ken auletta of the new yorker and jodi kantor, of the new york times. >> no one questions that mike bloomberg is honest, that he speaks the truth, that his personal life has integrity to it. when you are asking voters to contemplate bringing anthony weiner into office you are asking them to cast a ballot for somebody who has been untruthful. for quite some time. >>rose: jodi. you know also one of the first rules of political pr and crisis is you get all the bad stuff out before you begin again. if you haven't hit bottom you must hit bottom before you can start rebuilding your reputation. >>rose: that's -- and so this thing that doesn't quite make sense to me, here is how they could embark on this new race with so much energy and all of this story-telling and this very sort of carefully woven tale of a bid for redemption knowing that they pretty much knew that something like this could happen. they -- they sort of -- they sort of stichte stipulated thatt might. but didn't these very savvy professionals know that this could have come along