good evening i'm ken bastid and i'm juliette goodrich, for elizabeth cook. the family of the bart offir killed in the line of duty. opening up tonight. they spoke to me.. at their homen san ramon.... his family called him tommy. family members say they wand to express their love for >> a lot of support, help. police community is incredible. >> tell me it wasn't just a brother-in-law to me. he was my brother. >> a family of law enforcement with one rule, never say good- bye. just say stay safe. >> i guess you are trying to make sense of it? and then it doesn't make sense. and then your heart goes out to that officer. we're going to mourn the loss of our brother, but we'll never forget him. but there's someone else and another family affected by this, too. and i feel sorry for them. you know, we have all been through it. we have been through losses and we have been through that and we have been going through doors not knowing what's on the other side. i know that. but sometimes i don't understand what happened. .net i don't know what happened. >> i lo will lov