miles: scientists like ken buesseler would like some academic rigor.would want to have someone other than the operator in charge of disposing of this check those numbers in the tanks. and, equally as important, as an oceanographer, i would want to be out there now measuring for this suite, this range of different radionuclides in the seawater, on the seafloor, in the sea life, just to establish those baselines very clearly. miles: water from the tanks containing tritium will flow to this spot at about 100 gallons a minute, where it will be mixed and diluted. lake barrett: clean water is brought in from the ocean through three 1000-horsepower pumps. each flow about 33,000 gallons per minute. miles: the water will flow through this large tunnel to a discharge point two-thirds of a mile offshore. a two-square-mile area around it will be closed to fishing. inside the plant, tepco has built fish tanks filled with flounder. some are exposed to the diluted tritium. the utility says it will closely monitor their health. it's an effort to assure the public. but