ken carver, jamie barnet, and countless others have fought for years to help protect others from needless tragedy. i would like to thank everybody who has been willing to step forward and tell us their stories despite, as i indicated, the painful and sometimes tragic circumstances. not just that they happened but having to recall them verbally and publicly. having accurate statistics about crimes and others instances are important, and it's even more important to understand the human cost of the safety and security problems that this industry is not fully acknowledging. this hearing along with other hearings and inquiries i have made into the cruise industry since i have been chairman are about one thing, and it's called accountability. being honest with people. i know the cruise companies think that i am singling them out, as they say, for special scrutiny, but i asuhre them that is not the case. i have never hesitated to ask companies tough questions when i think their business practices are hurting consumers. that's my job, all of our jobs. we have oversight. that's the main reason we