ken clark is very much in the same tradition as well. i think that we have got to -- every time we talk about new politics, we need to put someone in a pill to box, it risks becoming a great contemporary cliche. but in this parliament, as part of rebuilding confidence, i prefer confidence rather than trust the people in parliament. that is how we do politics. >> an interesting group to remark on here. george young on the left. lord privy selal, protecting the private seal. and then we have the mark as of chantry just behind him. and a very important man just checking his watch. that is the old marshal, the new, nor for, in charge of so many of these events. and they're ready there to go and greet the queen at the foot of the norman staircase. here are the two man looking after those two and moms that i mentioned earlier, the cap of maintenance and the sword of state. and the leader of the house of lords with his back to us and general lord walker who will be carrying the sword of state, in the procession with the queen and the duke of ed