of broken promises, i remember the leader of the oppositi saying at those party conference about ken clark, i'm not going to say he's soft on crime. well, that pledge didn't last very long. one of these days, the party opposite is going to realize opposition is more than just jumping on a bandwagon, picking up an issue. it's about putting forward a serious alternative and making some serious points. >> order! sir allen hazelhurst. >> by contrast, mr. speaker, in harmony with the priority being given by the government to strengthen relations with the commonwealth, does my right honorable friend touch impoance to the particular world of the commonwealth parlmentary association and will he mark that to find a way to mark that when it takes place in london in july? >> i'm very grateful for my honorable friend for raising this issue. i do think the commonwealth parliamentary association is an important part of the commonwealth and in celebrating that anniversary, i've had an extremelattractive invitation to come along and say a few words and i'll certainly see if i can. >> tom? >> thank you, mr