and it comes from real estate agent ken delion, and this is what he says. >> i think that the person who's working hard at google has more of a right to be here than somebody just because their parents were here and they complain they can't afford a home. get more education. work harder. that's my advice to them. >> that's quite a statement. why do you decide to end your documentary with him? and that quote? >> well, i feel like there's a lot of shame involved in saying, we've been priced out. i think a lot of people do feel that they've done something wrong or made some sort of terrible life decision. and i think that a lot of people look at the struggling middle class and think the same thing. the cards are stacked against the middle class. it's a very economically hostile environment here. and i know a lot of people who are working as hard as they possibly could. there's one woman in the documentary, and she commutes for five hours one way sometimes to get to work. and you can't tell her to work harder. >> are you thinking of going out of state? >> you know, we want to stay here a