ken duckworth. he wants to break the officer for the national alliance of mental illness. national alliance on moment illness. also known as mani. doc, told you we'd do it again. >> wonderful to see you again. thanks for having me. >> oh, you're a blessing. can't ignore this. this is a recipe for disaster for people who are not well. if you can keep yourself from using now, you have some great, strong resolve and a chance at leading a sober life for a while. tell us why. >> or if you're part of a community that is supporting you. i think it's really important that this is a moment -- we're home. we have time. think about this condition, addiction, not as a moral failing, but as a chronic biological vulnerability that has treatment. and i do want to say hthat if yu can participate in a community of recovery and get treatment virtually. a lot of treatments are being given virtually, chris. i want to emphasize you can get suboxone, which is a medication used to treat opiate disorder. this has saved lives and been endorsed