president obama's pay czar, ken feinberg coming out with new rules and regulations when it comes to payfirms who were bailed out by you the u.s. taxpayer. the current pay structure is inconsistent with public interest and that is why we are changing it. the new rules take effect next month affecting the top paid 25 executives at citigroup, aig bank of america, general motors and chrysler and the two finance arms gmac and chrysler financial. now all of those firms together, take a look have gotten $350 billion in bailout money. they will see annual salaries for those top execs falling 90% compared to a year ago. total composition stocks, bonuses, perks will fall 50%. we noticed on a release from the treasury department. there will be exceptions to this rule. those exceptions on pay where it may be higher will come in where necessary to retain talent and protect taxpayer interest. potentially a loophole we are going to watch closely. people are calling in and asking questions. i understand we have calls. let's go on the line with brendan in pittsburgh. >> caller: the government or these e