supporting the law is ken klukowski. he's the director of the center for religious liberty at the family research council and a breitbart news legal columnist. and mary bonauto opposes doma. she is special counsel for the group gay and lesbian advocates and defenders. welcome to the you both to the "newshour." we were saying there was some discussion at the court today about jurisdiction, but we're going to set thatside and talk about the core of the argument today. first of all, mary bonauto, in the analysis i've been reading, there are a number of folks who are concluding that there are enough votes now on the court to strike down doma. how did you read generally what you heard from the justices today? >> i'm not prepared to make any predictions based on an oral argument but clearly the questions were going to two key issues. one is when the federal government has for so long deferred to a state's determination about who is married, why in 1996 did they chae the rules when it looked like same-sex couples might begin to