ken lang gone, the guy was his name on the big hospital, nice side, and the guy who helped start a huge business on depo, one of the largest businesses in our country. he paid a tax of 70 percent. and he lived in new york when he started that business. and now he's going around complaining though, if i have to pay more than 20 something percent, the civilization will end or something like that. it's just not right. as he said, we've done very well with people paying far higher tax rates and they're paying now and we should, we should have the funding here in america to do the kinds of things that we need to do to make america what it is. now i don't only do this, but the have to be that devil's advocate and say, you know, you're forgetting about the philanthropic la jess of the rich who can personally choose where to put a 1000000000 here, a 1000000000 there. that's way better than you are. democratically accountable vision will look sure. if i want to build a new concert hall, i could easily raise a couple $100000000.00 from people who want their name on the new concert. but we also ne