i'm ken lombard, deputy sheriff's association president. i'm here to support our members and the sheriff's department request for station transfers. please consider funding this. there's several problems with the way it's currently done by the police department, and we have the solution, which is a station transfers unit. it would free up police officers to work the streets, sheriff's deputies would pick up arrestees from police book stations and transfer them to sheriff district attorneys indication indications. with this pilot program, sheriff district attorneys deputies would be guarding arrestees at the hospital. department's access the same rao channel, we use enhanced security restrained equipment, so there is a possibility of having one deputy perarrestee of. this would save the city on costs. more police officers would be available for neighborhood foot patrol, on a -- >> supervisor cohen: thank you. what exactly is the budget ask? how many. >> it's 1.8 million for the station transfers unit, and that's a pilot program. >> superviso