when ken maclennan walked downstairs to see who it was, jason ambushed him. e barrel, but it was too late. and jason fired seven shots, killing his father instantly. jason and matt ransacked the house to make it look like a robbery. they selected the spent shell casings, but unknowingly, left one behind. matt disposed of jason's blood-spattered clothes and tried to damage the inside of the rifle barrel to render it useless as evidence. but ken maclennan's blood inside the barrel and the shell casing from the scene were more than enough evidence for the trial. jason maclennan pleaded not guilty and claimed he killed his father in self-defense. the jury didn't buy it. jason was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison. matt molder pleaded guilty to second degree murder and was sentenced to 30 years. >> sometimes i still can't believe that i'm here in prison. i still can't believe the decision i paid to put myself here. >> the boys' plan to murder ken maclennan went off without a hitch. but the cover-up couldn't withstand scientific scruti