my name is ken robinson. i worked in the gambling industry as an affiliated market to we had access to a huge database. we could use credit card data to target people who maybe are in credit card debt or live in a counselor state. we knew these people were maybe on the lower income scale, so we knew that they fit the profile of somebody who would deposit on one of the sites the we would target them with offers to join different gambling site. so let's say i talking somebody with an advertise 10 pound free, and they ignore the ads. we could then read target them with the not with the bigger office, and it'd be as 20 pounds for you the next day, or 30 pounds free and getting bombarded with more ads, more ads and more attractive ads until the, the person come. yeah. their congress anymore. it was highly, highly effective. so these compounds were extremely profitable. there was an awareness within the company that i worked for that we were targeting adults and it was something that we would just brush aside. they