please welcome ken stern. ken: thank you, thank you. i love being here today, we are going to have so much fun, but more then just a motivational speech, we're actually going to get down and dirty and roll up our sleeves and give you action items, techniques, a strategy, a system to take home with you. all designed about your wealth, and your protection and abundance. this is a perfect time for it so i know you're going to love it. but something has been weighing on my mind, it has been confusing me and i know you can help me. it's a grammar question and my team still hasn't reached a consensus in terms of what the true answer is. help me out. tell me the right answer; the yoke of the eggs is white? or the yoke of the eggs are white? now how many people say the yoke of the eggs is white, yoke of the eggs is white, about half of you. now how many say the yoke of the eggs are white, ah most of you! how can that be if half of you... the yoke of the eggs are white, i think some of you voted twice that was what happened. now you all know you