jeremy peters, maria theresa cue mar -- kumar and ken vogel.before trump not go the race it was a packed field with jeb bush, ben carson, scott walker and marco rubio toward the front of the pack, huckabee, tuesday, rand paul and chris christie were within shouting distance and trump wasn't even on the radar. today, though, trump is soaring, carson has shot up, too, jeb bush has gone nowhere and ted cruz is surviving by hitch ago ride with trump. rubio has fallen, walker support has imploded nationally. then there's the crowd of folks who have evaporated. rick perry has run out of money. rick santorum, lindsey graham, bobby jindal, jim gilmore, george pataki are polling at basically 0 if you throw rand paul, chris christie and john kasich into this group, the combined support for these nine candidates comes in at less than 9%. we have a couple minutes left here. i want to go around the horn and ask you a two-part question. the first is this, we'll start with you, ken. i want you to tell me, the biggest loser of the summer in the republican race