kenau reeves remake he comes down to robots it's not to save human beings from themselves but to commitmass genocide. kill every man, woman and child on the planet because the aliens want to save the earth. there is even a noah's ark scene in the remake of "the day the earth stood still" where animals are taken two by two in the chaiseships which by the way looks like globes which implies the earth is the living gia theory. so that once the full obliteration occurs, then the animals can be brought back to earth and paradise can again appreciate. all those dinosaurs that lived here for millions of years and we look like when you go through chicago o'hare and there's that incredible skeleton of the huge dinosaur -- i think it's b concourse. and you look at it and you go, wow! when that dinosaur was in the flesh, that was -- it might be odd saying well, that's dinner. but nobody said wow, that's magnificent because they didn't have the capacities. only humans can do that. but the day the earth stood still is hollywood promoting human exceptionalism and humans are the bad guys philosophy an