line is comprised of members from the united states air force honor guard led by first lieutenant kenda guzmeissioned officer is tech sergeant michael marr. following is an element of the united states coast guard honor guard led by lieutenant junior grade edward gaylord and platoon petty officer is petty officer mike kaiser. the last element on line dressed in the continental musicians uniform is the old guard fife and drum corps. musicians wore the reverse colors of their parent infantry unit. the men and women of the old guard drum corps maintain this tradition by wearing red coats instead of the infantry blue. it's led by drum major james hague. to the rear of our formation are the 56 state and territorial flags of the united states led by captain brendan wright and the platoon sergeant is sergeant 1st class joseph brown. to the right of the formation is the presidential salute gun battery led by staff sergeant ernie winsel. marching in on the joint staff is army captain alexander triplet, marine captain brian lander, navy lieutenant chris da le y, con lottums and corey hoffman. the comma