so immediately i'll be going to valdosta, georgia, to help with kenneth johnson and his son kendrick johnson and the problems they're having down there with getting justice for their son. and there are so many others that i would like to speak on behalf of them. and it's just about equality and justice for everyone. it doesn't matter what the skin color is. what matters is everyone deserves to be able to bury their loved ones with the notion and with the thought that they will receive justice from the united states of america. >> lucia, does this verdict help you in what are the decades ahead of you in your life getting through them, getting through all those days without your son? >> as ron said, we really believe that our verdict has set a precedence for many, many, many individuals that have never received any justice and have had similar cases to ours. pertaining to the stand your ground legislation. i am eagerly looking forward now beyond the verdict to the work that i will do as a gun safety advocate. i am going to be taking a larnler role with every town for gun safety. moms demand ac