here with me is karen finney, and mattia go teand douglas bri kenji yoshino. >> well, this struck downain feingold act which said that campaigns were restricted on what they could spend and it opened up the door to say this corporations are people, and protected under the first amendment and second, people are guarant guaranteed a certain amount of speech, and therefore could spend unimt willed amounts of money in these elections. >> what i have found interesting in the post citizens united moment is that frank rich drew our attention to this in his co column suggesteded that people are corporations, and it is not the corporations, because they are risk-averse as corporations, and our big worry should be the sugar daddies which the forbes 400 and is that right? we should be less worried about the corporations and more worried about the sugar daddies? >> well, we are seeing the p publicly traded corporations shy away from the party pags and i want to debunct one myth about citizens united and since we are in nerdland we can go into the super pacs. citizens united did not create them and