david kennerly, david hume kennerly, we know him in the business as kennerly, he has been around -- i think he photographed martha washington, i'm not quite sure, and if he didn't photograph martha washington, he'll tell you that he did, so be very careful. his name is synonymous with excellence. he has photographed more first ladies i think than there really are. and it's -- and it's a pleasure to welcome them. i have -- i have one rule that i always say to my staff when i'm hiring photographers. i want a photographer who thinks with their hearts, with their heart, not with their heads, so before i introduce these photographers who are very special hearts, i also want to say hello to mr. mark updegrove who is going to be the moderator. he's the director of the lyndon baines johnson presidential library and museum, and he himself is a journalist and an acclaimed author, and i hope he asks these guys the toughest questions, so without any further adieu, please welcome mr. mark updegrove, miss susan sterner, miss carol powers and mr. david hume kennerly. >> well, thank you. it's a great