kenneth feinberg has brought compromise to american society their injuredd parties.awyers as we still -- for another presidential derby. what did you learn? what was the surprise of process that you learned being the czar of this and that? ken: cooperation with lawyers. most lawyers if they have clients and they see a program that has been established that can get money into the pockets of their clients who have been injured quickly, 30 days, 60 days -- tom: quickly matters. ken: that is the key. get the money out the door to eligible victims and get them compensated as soon as possible. tom: i looked at the 5-4 vote in the supreme corporate we all know justice roberts. we do not remember a time of earl warren, warren berger. berger comes in as an eisenhower conservative and he surprised. what other surprises we're going to see an american law? ken: i don't know. it'll be interesting to see, tom, whether a bp program, a gm program, a 9/11 compensation program, whether you are going to see those aberrations. they are out of the mainstream. you do not see them that oft