i am kenneth griffin, president and ceo of citadel investment group and i appreciate the opportunity to testify and share our views regarding effective over sight of the otc derivatives market. the appropriate oversight is of paramount importance to at the safety and soundness of our financial system. the events of recent months have made it abundantly clear that large financial firms are not too big to fail but, rather, too interconnected to fail. the idea that if extreme measures must be taken to prevent the failure of a single firm such as bear stearns, which had just over $10 billion of shareholders equity, and a few thousand employees drives home the point that greater regulation of our financial markets is warranted. derivatives serve an incredibly important role in our financial markets, current rules exceed several hundred trillion dollars and reflect the importance role of these risk transference contracts. the commercial justifications for the market are well established and well understood. regret my as the market has grown to almost unimaginable scale the regular -- regul