accident street please disapprove this and could make jackson a further site of unattractive >> thank you. next speaker. and my name is is kenneth i live on 1098 jackson the residential entrance on tuesday i received basically, the information regarding the additional proposal of at&t that if those supporting unit were not located in the basement they'll be in the lower roof over the dry cleaner establishment in the photo that are part of that you know proposal those windows that are visible from that lower roof are residential windows for 3 of the non-residential unit in the building and one of them happens to be mine so it is certainly of interest and so my request i guess is and the expectation if plan b was part of this plan and did take life there are apparently strategies for containing the fan part of this unit so that it reduces the sound that will come from the fans and that in addition to even the levels of containment done structurally there are a blanketing of that can be done, too, and just to bring to your attention if this is the the strategy it will have an quack to those of us who have been free of the intrusion