fire in background) (4 secs) the old dan river plant was in the process of being torn down...kenneth jennings, brookneal resident: "well, they ain't gon have a problem tearin it down now!" *laughs* (4 secs) neighbors say it was a sight to behold.3 elena bell, brookneal resident: "you could hear what sounded like boom boom boom explosions, almost like the building was collapsing on itself."elena bell, brookneal resident: "when you went outside immediately it burnt your eyes and it made you cough. it was extraordinary." especially for brookneal. elena bell, brookneal resident: "being from a small town and living in a small town, nothing like this every happensa&" but even in the face of misfortune...elena bell, brookneal resident: "look, they brought them pizzas!" they still show a little southern hospitality. elena bell, brookneal them pizzasa&" large acts of kindness from a small town. elena bell, brookneal resident: "now that's the way a community comes together." elena bell, brookneal resident: "it makes me proud to be from brookneal." 3 mona tight the consensus in the town is overwhelming