michael cohen. there's now a twitter spat between giuliani and lannie davis, michael cohen's new lawyer, who was one of bill clint clinton's lawyers during the kennethgation. here's what lanny davis tweeted. did rudy giuliani really say on sunday shows that michael cohen should cooperate with prosecutors and tell the truth? seriously? is that trump and giuliani definition of truth? trump/giuliani next to the word truth equals oxymoron. stay tuned, the truth matters. they're getting very aggressive and very over the top, lanny davis coming out and getting into a battle with giuliani on twitter. michael cohen very publicly saying that he believes in the fbi, taking donald trump off his twitter bio, making these overtures and telling certain reporters some things and other reporters other things, that he wants to cooperate. it seems very over the top to me. what is the strategy? >> well, so there's two strategies, i think, going on with michael cohen. one is as far as we know he's retained guy petrello but he has not filed a notice of appearance, which is a formal sign that he's been retained. but as far as we know he's going to be the criminal defense