malone's roommate "kenneth robinson" beat "ramasje findley" and tied his hands and legs. malone was questioned the day of the murder, but not arrested. according to the arrest report, malone told officers she was home when the killing happened, and she saw robinson beat her son before. today, a judge set her bail at 75 thousand dollars and put her on house arrest. malone cannot have any contact with children unle i supervised. a former n-f-l and unlv football player is facing some very serious charges. police say he forced teens at a correctional facility to fight each other. "johan asiata" is one of four correction officers at an illinois center facing these charges. police say back in january, asiata and the other guards had the teen prisoners fight each other, while they stood back and watched. investigators also say asiata hit some of the teens and brought contraband into asiata played football for unlv... and as a senior, he earned honorable mention at the all mountain west conference. he signed on with the chicago bears and played just two n-f-l games before he was