we're talking with kenneth rock, the former head of human rights watch, and now visiting professor at princeton university. can. it's great to see you. you've long been at the helm of i would call the contents of at least america and much of the world when it comes to looking at human rights violations and pointing the mountain shining a spotlight on them. what do you see in gaza today? well, it's a devastating situation, i think, as we all know, and you know, sadly this is not just and the unfortunate consequence of war. this is a deliberate strategy on the part of the issue that we go. and what everybody's focusing on for months now. he's natania, who's starvation strategy on that was the subject of the international court of justice is on new ruling this week. and, you know, what we seeing is that these really, governments get what's in dribs and drabs. today, i'm is trying to prevent large scale data. but it's not letting in anywhere near enough a, to prevent large scale. songbird starvation, and as a new un report is just found imminent stomach. and so, you know, that's of immedi