the other thing interesting about kenneth walker's case, when you watch the video, they say not exist d we know did, when he comes down the steps, comes out of the apartment, they have the dogs and they threatened to turn the dogs on him. so now that i read this report and i see how often people are being bit by canines, this breonna taylor case is an example of almost everything that was wrong and continues to be wrong with our police department. let msay, i'm nosuggesting they have not attempted to make some changes. we have an interim pole chief. we will see what happens. but at the end of the day, we have got to have complete honesty, complete disclosure, and we absolutely need investigations into some of these things that have been identified. we want to know who the officers were, what happened, who the supervisors where they did not do their job. we need to be rid of them. we need to go into the weeds on this. it is way too important. amy: is not only louisville, the departmentf justice, and the attorney general but the assistant attorney general kristen clarke is in charge of