. >> two years ago matt kenney almost died when he was competing in mount marathon in sue wa seward,laska. >> perseverance, just, just to finish what i couldn't start that day. >> so this is one of the most difficult races in the world, runners go up and down 3,000 feet on the mountain. >> but kenney never made it to the finish line back on july 4th, 2012. he slipped and fell more than 30 feet, suffered a traumatic brain injury. after months of gruelling rehabilitation, we know that comes with tbi, he came back to mt. marathon this july 4th this weekend and his wife cheered him to victory. >> so proud of him. [ cheers and applause ] >> and kenney finished the race in 2 hours, 21 minutes, 26 seconds that, beat the time limit by more than eight minutes. >> amazing. >>> pit bulls earned a reputation as mean dogs but these two lit up the web with their friendship. >> i happened to have a couple friends here and we were talk walking by a kennel and we just saw them just laying together and hugging each other, and it was just a perfect photo o-opho. they like to play ball, cuddle together,