commander kenno will take me temporarily. he has made that quite clear. i'll call a yeoman to help me with my things. you don't have to do that. are you feeling sorry for me? do i see hesitation in your eyes... about anything? i want one thing, captain. transfer me. on the "enterprise," i am humiliated! on another ship, i can hunt fresh game. i've got my rank, and-- don't i? n if i have to go through every officer in the fleet. you could. i simply meant... that you could be anything you want to be. it's...been a long time since you've... kissed me like that. you're a stranger. mercy to the halkans. mercy to spock... to me. you're the captain's woman... until he says you're not. uhura. yes, captain. scotty's signal should be coming through any moment now. you know what to do. i've got a pretty good idea, sir. keep sulu's attention off that board. i'll do my best, sir. [beep beep] you aren't very persistent, mr. sulu. the game has rules. you're ignoring them. i protest, and you come back. you didn't come back. now you're making sense. i was... getting bored