protection and the mark that you leave on this world, which i said, is really the good stuff as kenny chesney would say. this is the good stuff. and let me now segway from the pouncing present to asset protection. when i make a statement that six documents, six pieces of paper have the power to change your life, i don't take that lightly and i hope you don't either. alpha wealth and alpha protection is all about simplicity and strategy. the only thing that can deviate from what i believe is success, because in my world failure is not an option; in my world you're no longer frozen in fear. the only thing that can deviate is user error. and that is why you must, you must, you must set a day every month, i like doing it on the 29th of every month, and i go over what i have to do that month. and when i talk about six essential documents, you can accomplish that by a document a month for six months. you're gonna start in june, finish in december, and then repeat it next year by going through and reviewing how current they are. and you may have different documents, you may have similar documents. t