yo-yo champion kenny strasser or k.ass is booked on the show in april 2010. >> well, i have been all around doing my yo-yo tricks. >> there's only one problem. the champ arrives with his yo-yo but says he can't use it. >> we had a little miscommunication. we're not going to get a lesson but that's all right. >> i would have brought, had i known -- >> that's okay. >> i thought it was a sit-down interview. i had this greased yesterday so it takes about 48 for it to set. >> without any yo-yos for tricks, the interview goes from strange -- >> you also do some juggling and other things for your act, right? >> i don't know why he puts that in there because i don't -- i don't juggle. >> to downright bizarre. >> i do one where it's all of my fingers. i shoot out with the left hand first. i'm not yo-yoing, but i'm whirling them. then i do the right hand. and it gets going. it makes a loud whirring or buzzing sound. >> too bad the good folks outside kansas city, missouri, missed that show. just a month later, they, too, will endu