president kensy said of that if we werto honor the vows of our founders we must be first and therefore we intend to be first and we were first and now we intent to be first in terms of the new green technologies. >> rose: so what would your man on the moon project be-- and return, as you say. >> safely. (laughs) >> rose: well, my issue as speaker, of course, health care is the preeminent first among equals issue. but in terms of an isshat everybody has notoine into, it's the issue of addressing our energy security and addressing thclimate change issue. it's about tion security, reducing our dependence on foreign oil, about health, reducing the emissions in the air, it's about jobs, jobs, jobs jobs to have the technologies to keep us number o, preeminent in the world in these new technologies and the world is not iting. so national serity and jobs, two of our primary responsibilities, the health issue, of course, is vital importt. but the place that we... where all roads lead, when you want to create new jobs for the future is built a green infrastructure for the future. develop the tec