i was on my way to replace kent potter. a were killed. -- they were killed. a lot of my friends had been over there and come back. i seriously thought that maybe i didn't want to do this. admitting being terrified. i finally came over that and got to saigon. the only part of the country i had been to other than that was the netherlands, which isn't exactly vietnam. it was so exciting for me. i must say the energy of saigon allgoing to the bureau, these people who had been there and knowing that i was setting off on something that i couldn't have anticipated. i do remember within a week or so i was on a convoy going down the road and there was a dead person on the side of the road. this is something you weren't seeing in new york city. again i had this feeling of great fear. , didn't even take a picture but it was astonishing. those we are not in kansas anymore moments. but i pushed on. notve a real dedication only to my profession but to telling stories and taking pictures of things so other people can see them. people ask me why i'm on facebook. facebook bec