of course data there are many many websites that talk about kent trey's the loch ness monster and such. let's consider how many sites internet users may visit to learn about a subject of course who devote most won't look at more than 30 odd jobs so if we take the top 30 sites listed on google search and look at how many support a particular belief or ya many argue it out from a rational point of view us and how many a neutral have to look we find that 70 percent of those sites will support a belief with the heat quite yes. cognitive biases help us to tame our fear of the unknown we have a tendency to adopt the 1st belief that fills a void. when you ask someone whether they're superstitious most will say no is that you've been shown that superstition is related to uncertain situations that our brain is trying to control our environment that's probably one reason why we've survived this well. to make sense out of a disturbing event people and situations where they are losing or of lost control or more easily rely on beliefs superstitions and conspiracy. he's. in everyday life the feeling