. -- kentuckypublican primary is coming up in the calendar. louisiana is a pure tossup at the moment, what is happening at that -- in that state? yup to remember that it has become increasingly more republican, which makes the child a little bit harder -- the challenge a little bit harder. the congressman who is fairly conservative, although the tea party would like a more conservative candidate. guyt of them are actually a ired airng a roet force officer. of jungleaving a sort primary on election day, it is no can enhance 50%, we will have a runoff on december 6. we will have until them to figure out who controls the senate. the numbers are not good, largely because of her vote on health care. any support that she is given to president obama is not well received. flipside, she is going to be chairman of the energy committee, it is a big deal in louisiana. she's getting a lot of business support as a result. her campaign will be very well-funded. there is a reason she has started to challenge the president on something, most notably health car