keoleian. a recent study concluded that large amounts of plastic would accumulate in the environment even if we used every currently feasible effort to achieve an 80% reduction in plastic solution by 2040. you and other experts agree that designing materials for recyclibility will be key to reduction. what steps do we need to take to ensure coordination between product design and options for end of life plastic management? that's going to be my only question because i know it's a big far ranging question. dr. keoleian: one of the things i recommended that we emphasize in terms of the r&d, in terms of the investment there anti-research, is that we have industry participate with the scientists, with government, to look at what kinds of policies can help make innovations more implementable or accelerate the implementation. and also even community partners. we really need to look at co-creation of solutions. i think that will be really artificial intelligence in terms of ensuring that we are going