the law was given . through moses, and grace and truth, through jesus christ came to pass, keologos sarksa geneto, khetiosenin, kefe somefa, tindoxsan. osmonoginos parapatros kharitoskifias ioannis martyri periodtukenen otiprotos moyyn ektopliromatos autoimispanes elavomen kecharin entycharitos othionomos diamoiseos edofiis harin spare me dear brothers and sisters, christ is risen. sunday a solemn service. on the occasion of the holiday above holidays and the celebration among the celebrations of the lord's easter, the bright resurrection of christ, we conclude the mournful services of great lent and passion week. the memory of the unjust condemnation, suffering on the cross, death and burial of the son of god filled our hearts at that time. field and recalling these gospel stories, we can rightly say in the words of the lord himself. when they do this with a green tree, what will happen with dry when the sinless son of god suffers unjustly, what punishment do sinners deserve. when the almighty lord is afraid of death. and asks the heavenly father to pass him, if possible, the cup of suffering, s