keppel visits the prison't want to talk about the green river killer. he wants to talk about ted bundy. >> he didn't know why i was there. the only reason i was there was to talk to him. i didn't have a reason other than that. >> how does a detective talk to somebody without judging? >> that's hard. that's very hard. the scary thing is you have to have real empathy, real, not phony. not just call him by his first name and give him coffee and give him cigarettes, the standard procedure of putting a guy at ease. there has to be an empathy. it sounds lax in judgment. >> they have a particular view of the world you have to discover. why does this one guy not want to talk about the 12 and 13-year-olds he may have killed. he may have killed a dozen. but he'll talk about the prostitutes he killed. his morality of murder, if you will, is such that you can talk about some, not others. >> his morality of murder is that it was okay to kill. >> the system, as it stands now, is not really geared to getting at the truth.