i'll visit is part of our broader trip to the end of pacific, including singapore, malaysia, south, ker and japan, focused on mutual security, economic partnership, and democratic governance. how does all this go down regionally? will certainly we know from the us perspective that ah, this has been framed ah, as a competition between the u. s. in china, and in particular under the vide in administration, as a contests between democracies and ot, hoffer sees. and the u. s. recognizes that, given china's economic happed, momentum and capacity for governance, look at its ability to mobilize with coven 19 that the u. s. has no hope of winning this contest on its own. so, ah, the creation of alliance is strengthening of alliances, whether that's august the quad, ah nato, that this is a very, very important component. but, ah, we also have to recognize to just like in the ukraine conflict, many countries, ah, chose not to get involved. so again, we have to see, but this is very escrow, tory, i think it's very destabilizing and whatever. ah, how speaker polo sees, motivations are for doing thi