penalty, which was in effect then, by the way, earlier both under the provisional government of kerensky that the situation still requires decisive action , after lenin’s assassination attempt, of course, the death penalty was returned and there was a decree on the red terror, that’s really about those repressions. and cruelty took place, but this decree was in force for 3 months, from august to november 198, in fact, when kharkov was not subordinate to the soviet or local administration , it was precisely a pro-german city, thank you very much, all the best to you, in addition to all the factors already listed, i also ask you to pay attention to the form, such a form in the eighteenth year in memory of there couldn’t have been any employees of the cheka, they were dressed either in the now legendary black leather jackets that were assigned to the flight personnel of the then tsarist army, or in military uniforms of the tsarist model, that is these chenilles, hats, or some , well, the time was hard, what did you get into, and this uniform is already the end of the twenties, early thirtie