next day, he took me to keri-uncle's office. put some sense into me. didn't work. so, after coming back from keri-uncle's office, i went straight to my mother, and i told her what i really wanted to do. i wanted to join the film industry. i wanted to become a film director. and studying arts and english literature was a step in that direction. i really hope my mother would understand me, would support me, but instead, she start explaining me how difficult it would be to become a film director. and the life of bollywood folks is n what iteems. and my father was only suggesting what was good for me. i should be rather helping him in his business. and i was 16, stubborn, and i'd had some fancy ideas about myself. so, in a very bollywood style, i told her, "i'm not going to sell my soul to earn some rupees "and study commerce. "if he is not letting me study what i want to study, "i will also not study what he wants meo study. (laughter) "yes, i have grades for science. i would rather study science." so science it was. (laughter) but