one man broke a tooth when he bit into an unpopped kernel at the movies.e tried to sue the movie theater, but the judge said unpopped kernels are to be expected. so let the biter beware. >> corny, mwanzaa, corny. just ahead, teens take action to make their school go green. >> we'll show you how they did it. >>> it takes a lot of energy to save energy, but tyler has the story of some teens who really have what it takes. >> reporter: one thing you notice right away about the collegiate school is that there are no girls here. what you might not notice is that in addition to being an all-boy school, it's on its way to being an all-green school, too. >> scope 1, which is the amount of pollution that we produce here, at the school itself, is the biggest component. that's 74% of our carbon footprint. >> reporter: when these guys were sophomores, they formed a club called cenic. >> well, cenic stands for collegiate with the environment naturally in check. so, our school is called collegiate and it's a little pun on scenic with a "c" instead of an "s." >> right awa