pretty easy to march back the first few generations and realize there was this fellow named fulmoth kerneyrish geneologist can be quite challenging and it took a bit of luck. it took two months of research, but also a pair of tombstones in ohio to tell me where to look in ireland. that's how i discovered it. >> make that connection for me because, like you just said, tomb stoun to moneygall, how did you do that? >> i wanted him to belong to that father because the father, joseph's tombstone and the brother, william's tombstone both said they were from moneygall. fitting the money piece into this family. once i was able to do that, i knew that is where he was also from and then i did some work across the pond. reached ooout to a number of churches over there to find out who the had corresponding marriages. >> now, how sure are you that you've got this right and you've got this town and they're not over there celebrating for not? >> 100%. other people who have piggy backed off that research and took his roots back further and you'll find roots in dublin and everybody, of course, wants to cla