ne.terracing --kerose it was somewhat dangerous. there was no standardization of it.burn hotter and quicker than others and it would lead to fires and homes, so john d rockefeller was really interested in standardizing that in making a safe product for americans. that is really what he was able to achieve with standard oil and even went so far as to build their own safety lamps to burn standard oil in. this led to rockefeller quickly becoming one of the wealthiest man in america and also becoming one of the most hated man in america, as they called him. the way john d rockefeller ran his business, the way he took over other petroleum industries led to a very bad public image. his business practices were well-known as not the best in american business. it was at that point where his advisers told him he needed to appear even more charitable than he already was and he began his own campaign where when he was out on the streets walking around meeting people, talking to people, he would give out dimes and became a very large legend behind the rockefeller dimes. that was r