host: kerri toloczko, thank you. guest: thank you, anytime. the tea party rallies -- how influential with a cut in this process? -- how influential or they in this process? guest: they were among the first running advertisements. it was at first hard to tell how much was genuine, and how much was been ginned up by the insurance industry, other things. but august was not a good month if you are supporting this bill. this debate has gotten very, very polarized, for better or worse. you have basically got people who really want this and really don't want this, and without any deep understanding, if i can say so, of what is in this bill, and i know that to be the case, because if you go back and look at polls, saying "do you want this bill," and they say no, and then you go over what is in the bill, and they say yes -- people who clearly don't understand what is in the bill, i just know what they are here in. host: republican line, robert. caller: good morning. i've been holding a long time. my comment really is somewhat of a criticism upoof ms. r