nobody mentioned their dreaded word, and kerridge. that has been well litigated and tried. -- common carriage. that has been well litigated and tried. we have certain facilities, whether there is a monopoly, duopoly, even a court probably -- a quadropoly that you could argue. what is interesting is access to the luttrell grid and what states in competition have done is essentially, provide access by devices, namely the generation devices, to a common carrier grade. that is what is leading to the success of green energy. you are able to put your energy back on the grid. in telecom, we have done the reverse. we have removed access devices. 20 years ago, congress said in the 1996 cable act that you are supposed to provide access devices to cable. 20 years later, we do not have that. it is not that we need to boost demand. there's plenty of demand out there. if you look at what consumers pay for communications, it is five times what people were paying for it back in the 1990's when we had the cable act and the 1996 act. there is plenty of