i want to start with the first, kerry fitzgerald, your maternal grandmother. how did she figured into the resistance? >> well, i begin with a string of my grandmother because it captures i think some of the themes you just noted that it wanted to explore in the book, that my grandmother as i describe in the book in 1944, early 1944 basically had a rosa parks moment where, this is in virginia, she gets on a bus going from lynchburg, virginia, to danville, her home. she took a seat in the so-called white section of the bus and as it turns out for number of reasons i discussed in the book, she's not arrested like rosa parks for some of the other people. but i think her experience was exemplary that moment in history. one, the circumstances, social context was such that she felt her grievances that had built up over time, that she could challenge the segregated seating, which was lost in virginia at the time. and also although this is something that i think undoubtedly other unsung, and recorded incidents of this sort, it did not lead to a movement at that point,